The legacy of this great man extends to future generations as we attempt to resolve the conflict in the Middle East. All Arab nations are engaged in the struggle for Palestine and Jerusalem and until Palestine is restored, we are ALL Palestinians.
The Latest Tribute to NASSER
"Gamal Abdel Nasser: a tribute for his memorial. 50 Years since the Free officers revolution on 23rd July 1952 For 50 years of revolution and patriotic movements in the third world. For 50 years of our efforts to reach freedom, pride, dignity and independence. For every one who gave his life for our freedom, for everyone who dedicated his efforts to give us better life. For the person who gave us the ignition to stand up and believe in ourselves. For Gamal Abdel Nasser we dedicate this site."
NASSER HOMEPAGE Two young Arab/Egyptians have developed what is widely regarded as Nasser's homepage in Cyberspace -- it has been in existence for several years and is updated periodically with new material including an audio clip of Nasser's Suez Canal speech which is electrifying. Be sure to listen. A TRIBUTE TO NASSER This link is to a newsletter written in January 1999 and dedicated to Nasser on the 81st anniversary of his birth. The material presented regards the sanctions against Iraq and the deaths of many Iraqi children as a direct result of economic sanctions. "We will not stand idly by while our children flee before armed Israeli soldiers" Nasser said. What would he say about being forced to tolerate the slow agonizing death of infants and small children from starvation and its related diseases? UMM KALTHOUM 
Nasser's weekly treat was the radio concert of this woman who is still revered by Egyptians and others worldwide. This link is to the site "Umm Kalthoum--Legendary Voice of the Arab World" which "Covers the popularity and life of Egyptian songstress Umm Kalthoum." JOSEP BROZ TITO This link is to an award winning site called and is quite extensive concerning TITO and his life and times. There are many pictures including two with Nasser which I have linked separately below. Enjoy. GAMAL ABDEL NASSER This site is one in the Egyptian Web Ring. Stamps of Nasser are the subject matter of this webpage however the Web Ring encompasses many aspects of Egyptian lore. Great site to launch onto a study trip around this Web Ring. 